
location: Products

Name:Retriever Bags (Model C)

Retriever Bags(Model C)

Retriever bags (Model C) are used in all types of laparoscopic surgery for removing excised tissues/specimen through a small surgical incision.

It can be introduced through 10mm or larger size of trocar canula.

Pouch with string offers optional choice.


Safety  Extra-durablebag prevents leaks and tears.

Convenience Easy in,easy out, easy open, easy close.

Quality Strict Rigorous raw material selection and strict quality inspection steps on every bag.

Copyright 2023 (C) Guangzhou T.K Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.

Company Email: sales@gtkmedical.com

Company address 1: A601, Guangzhou International Business Incubator, Guangzhou Science Park, Guangzhou, 510663, Guangdong, P. R. China

Company address 2: No. 7, Jianye 6th Rd, Huangpu District, Guangzhou Development District, 510765, Guangzhou, Guangdong, P. R. China

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